Register now for the Top Cop Golf Tournament at Longhills Golf Club. It will be a shotgun start at 8 a.m., Friday, June 25th to benefit the Rowe-Weatherford Scholarship Fund. This tournament is organized by FBI NAA Arkansas Chapter.
The Longhills Golf Club is located at 327 AR-5, Benton, Arkansas.
Proper golf attire is required – collared shirt, pants or shorts, golf shoes with soft spikes or tennis shoes. No tank tops or cut-offs.
Registration fee of $75 per player includes green fees, cart fees and lunch. Participants may also purchase mulligans, pro drive, and raffle tickets. Hole sponsorships are $200 for silver and $500 for gold (includes team).
To register or sponsor a hole, send completed form (below) with checks payable to FBINAA Arkansas Chapter in the mail to Scotty Hodges, FBI NAA, PO BOX 1102 BENTON AR 72018.
For more information, contact Scotty Hodges, or 501-840-5425.
In case of inclement weather, the event will not reschedule, but the fees will become a tax-deductible donation to the FBINAA Arkansas Chapter. If you are unable to participate but would like to contribute, mail your contribution to the address listed above.