If you live in the city limits of Benton or Bryant, Arkansas, you can call the city to come pick up your yard waste. Choose a city below to go to the information about what they will collect, and the proper way for residents to bundle it. Benton Yard Waste Requests click here. Bryant […]
Benton resident to star in Discovery television show “Naked and Afraid” April 4th
A Benton, Arkansas resident is finally able to reveal that he will be on the reality television show Naked and Afraid. We have scheduled an interview with Matthew Garland for just as soon as the television show will allow him to share details. Meanwhile, you can watch for him on the show on April 4th […]
Saline 13 Interview: Jill Jones is Putting Community in Writing
Saline 13 features interviews of Saline County residents, so we can meet our neighbors by way of them answering 13 set-in-stone questions. Click to see other Saline 13 Interviews and submit your own 13 answers. Jill Jones, Benton, 50 1. Describe the structure of your immediate family. Married for 17 years to Tracy Jones, one […]