Everyone has those major events in their life that becomes a marker where one phase of their life stopped and a new phase started. The first of those bookmarks, if you will, in my memory is the first time I felt like an adult on an equal level with my parents. This was when I believed I was no longer viewed as a boy in the family, but a man. It wasn’t getting married, going off to Navy boot camp, having a child, buying a house…you know, the usual big picture life events. No, the first time I stood up straight and walked as a man was at the age of eight years old in a McDonald’s restaurant, when I asked for a Big Mac instead of a kid’s meal…and they bought it for me. Not only that, I ate it with a large order of fries and a coke, and had room for an apple pie. I walked out of there ten feet tall and bulletproof, having earned my place at the table as a grown damn man:
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