See all the ShelliCooks columns at www.mysaline.com/tag/shellicooks!
You probably already have a good idea of one or two reasons to have a metal kettle in the kitchen to use for boiling water, instead of in a regular old boring pot. But the very best reason may not have occurred to you. Here are 4 obvious reasons and the 5th that is just a fabulous bonus that you might not have thought of:
- Yes, there is the shiny exterior of a metal kettle (please do enunciate the “t” sounds) that allows you to gaze upon your distorted reflection without the aid of Snapchat filters.
- Why yes, there’s the fun and nifty flip lid on the pour spout, equally good for both flipping and flooping.
- And absolutely yes, there’s the pot-holdered piping hot handle that, when you grab it to pick up the kettle, you feel just for a moment like you transcended time to a pre-electric era. And for that moment, you connect with your ancestors who paid five dollars for a work horse instead of for a cinnamon dulce latte.
- And then also yes, doggone it, there’s the toooooooooot when the water boils – reminding you of the shift change whistle in that one cartoon where Wile E. Coyote and Sam the Sheepdog are frenemies.
- But the main super number one reason to have a metal kettle is… Something that neither the company owner nor the manufacturer nor the marketers thought to advertise on the box. That SOUND you can make! See the video below:
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xi00zi1Z9Sk[/embedyt]
It puts wiggle in a music note that synthesizers can only wish they were born with. Enjoy playing with your own kettle, and please send your videos to us!
See all the ShelliCooks columns at www.mysaline.com/tag/shellicooks!