See all the holiday events listed at this link: www.mysaline.com/holiday-events
Salem United Methodist Church will host their annual Holiday Bazaar on December 4th at 1647 Salem Road in Benton. This event will be from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.
There will be a silent auction and bake sale, as well as several featured vendors. Shop with Gold Dust Divas, Nana’s Twiddles, Pampered Chef, Roger’s Reclaimed Relics, Sharon Runyon’s Homemade Quilted Items, Thirty-One Gifts, US Borne Books and More, Wilchman’s Laser Engraving.
For more information, call 501-316-2282 or email admin@sumcb.org.
See the list of all the holiday events at this link or see all events at this link.