Two County meetings are rescheduled to Monday Feb. 24, 2025, due to inclement weather. Topics on the collective agenda are a salary bump for one employee, and money transfers from various accounts to others. Read the full agenda and details below.
QUORUM COURT MINUTES from JANUARY 21, 2025 meeting
The Saline County Quorum Court met on Monday, January 21, 2025 at 6:30 p.m. in Courtroom #3 at the Saline County Courthouse. County Judge Matt Brumley called the meeting to order. Justice of the Peace Jim Whitley gave the invocation and Justice of the Peace Josh Curtis led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll call was taken with 12 members present. Stephanie Johnson was not in attendance. Motion by Carlton Billingsley and seconded by C. J. Engel to approve the Minutes from the December 16, 2024 Quorum Court Meeting. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.
Judge Brumley presented a Proclamation to Kevin Cleghorn, the Saline County Coroner and his staff in recognition of Medicolegal Death Investigation Professionals Week January 19 – 25, 2025) which honors their hard work to ensure knowledgeable, comprehensive, and compassionate investigation into the deaths of our citizens and visitors.
Motion by Carlton Billingsley and seconded by Justin Rue to suspend the rules and read title only of Exhibit “A”. Motion passed unanimously.
Exhibit “A”: Motion by Rick Bellinger and seconded by Jim Whitley to approve Quorum Court Organizational Ordinance. Roll call vote; motion passed unanimously.
Ordinance 2025-1. Motion by Carlton Billingsley and seconded by Rick Bellinger to suspend the rules and read title only of Exhibit “B”. Motion passed unanimously.
Exhibit “B”: Motion Josh Curtis and seconded by Justin Rue to approve Appropriation Ordinance to amend the 2024 Saline county Budget Ordinance 2023-30. Roll call vote; motion passed unanimously. Ordinance 2025-2.
Judge Brumley recommended that C. J. Engel be nominated as the new AAC Delegate. Motion by Justin Rue and seconded by Carlton Billingsley. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.
Judge Brumley mentioned that there was a Library Board Meeting last month and that after several attempts to schedule a third-party non-governmental audit no response was received. He recommends that the library contact agencies to set this up. Pat Bisbee confirmed this.
Lastly, the judge commended the Road Department, Office of Emergency Services, Sheriff’s Office and Maintenance Department for all of their hard work during and following the winter weather. Several comments were made in appreciation.
A reminder was given to the members of the Quorum Court that their Statement of Financial Interest form is due for 2024.
Motion by Rick Bellinger and seconded by Justin Rue to adjourn meeting. Motion passed by voice vote. Meeting adjourned at 6:55.
Saline County HR Committee meeting begins at 5:45 p.m. The Quorum Court Meeting begins at 6:00 p.m. Patrons may enter the Courthouse via the Main St. Entrance and/or Market St. Entrance (Note the Market St. Entrance is ADA accessible).
The HR Committee agenda has a request for a salary bump to reflect a current employee’s experience. “A request to increase a new hire in the Felony Case Coordinator position up to the budgeted amount of $38,268 and retro the rate back to the employees starting date due to the years of experience the employee is bringing that adds value to the position.”
The Quorum Court agenda has just one item. Exhibit A is an appropriation ordinance to amend the 2024 Saline County Budget Ordinance No. 2023-20 (as amended). The Financial Management Department requests to transfer money from various accounts to be used in other accounts.
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