Friends finding the treasure by working together to solve clues at Arkansas Adventure Rooms, 2615 N. Prickett Road, Suite 4, Bryant Ar, 72022, 501-773-6265. Pictured left to right are Michael Herrington, Shelli Poole, TJ Bean, Erika Bean, Shelby McFarland, Tonya Horton, Michael Bartholmey, and Lisa Goodrich.
I’ve been meaning to tell about this really cool thing I did recently. I went with a group of friends and got locked in a room for an hour. Fun right? Well, actually, we asked for it. And it was fun! We went to the new place in Bryant called Arkansas Adventure Rooms, and all put our heads together to solve clues that unlock more clues so we could get to the hidden treasure.
There were nine of us in our group and some of us were better at finding clues than others. One guy who was home-schooled was the best at it! This particular room has a pirate theme and our goal was to open chests and interpret the map and other things that you’ll just have to see for yourself, to finally come down to the treasure. I won’t lie, I was not one of the smartest at doing this, but I still had lots of fun!
This particular room, “The Pirate’s Plunder,” had a pirate theme. A second room is under construction and should be open soon, according to the owner, Danny Chism. He also said they will eventually have four different themed adventure rooms.
After the closing of our bowling alley and our miniature golf places, we’ve been at a loss for fun things to do around these parts. Arkansas Adventure Rooms fills the bill for something to do as a group, and you’ll be talking about it for long afterward.
Danny is a friend of mine and he said I could give out a code that anyone can use when you book online, and it saves each person $5.00. Go to ArkansasAdventureRooms.com and use the code BLACK FRIDAY for that $5 off (makes it $20), and then in the “how did you hear about us” blank, type MYSALINE. The Black Friday code ends Saturday, November 26, 2016 and you just need to book your event before December 31, 2016.
That’s really cool of Danny to do, because it makes it easier to check out this new type of entertainment for Saline County! Their address is 2615 N. Prickett Road in Suite 4 in Bryant. They are on the same street as Larry’s Pizza, but in the building with Home Plate Diner. Call if you need to. Their number is 501-773-6265.