This school year has been a wild ride for high school seniors, with the pandemic changing both prom and graduation… but college preparation continues. Below are some local scholarships available. Look through, and apply or share.
If your business or organization would like to be added to the list, send an email to and include your business or organization name, the scholarship deadline, the amount if applicable, and a link, email, phone or address to get more info and apply.
- Benton Area Chamber of Commerce is extending their scholarship application deadline to May 1st, 2020. This is for graduating seniors at Bauxite, Benton, Glen Rose, Harmony Grove and Sheridan School Districts. Students should reach out to their respective counselors for more information about the scholarships.
- Greater Bryant Area Chamber of Commerce is extending their scholarship application deadline to April 30, 2020, our scholarship is for any student in the Bryant School District but does not have to be enrolled in the district; (home schooled and/or private school student). If anyone has questions please refer them to the Chamber office 501-847-4702 / /
arkansas-scholarship-program/ - Alcoa Community Federal Credit Union Scholarship Essay Program, Deadline: Friday, May 1st – anything postmarked after May 1st will not be accepted. Winner announced: Friday, May 8th. Scholarship amount: $1,000. Send scholarships to or by mail to 1125 Military Road Benton, AR. 72015. ATTN: Sara Rowell. For questions, call 501.315.5626. Here’s a link to the scholarship info page www.alcoacommunityfcu.
org/scholarship-essay . And click here to download the pdf application. - The Saline County Executive Association has a $1000 scholarship available to Saline County students who are in their second year of college, have a 3.0 GPA and graduated from a Saline County high school or the equivalent. Students may get a an application packet by send an email with “Scholarship” in the Subject line. The postmark deadline for all completed applications is April 24th. Here’s the link to download the guidelines.
- The Benton Education Association offers a one-time scholarship of $1,000 to help offset college expenses for a senior at Benton High School. The application deadline is April 22. Information is available through the counselor’s office at Benton High School.
- Bauxite Old Timers and Bauxite Class of ’65 are both offering scholarships to current year Bauxite graduates. The Old-Timers scholarship is available to graduating seniors planning to attend any college, university, or technical school. The Class of ’65 scholarship is available only to graduating seniors who intend to enroll in a two year vocational/technical school program. Each scholarship is worth $2000. Complete details and applications are available online through your Counselor’s office. The applications can be completed and submitted online. The application deadline has been extended to April 30. Your Counselor will then add transcript information and forward everything to the respective scholarship committee. Each of these groups will likely be awarding two scholarships this year. Apply for your part of that $8,000.
- Benton Area Chamber of Commerce Chamber Scholarship Deadline Has Been Extended to May 1 – The Benton Area Chamber of Commerce has been in communication with Counselors with Bauxite, Benton, Glen Rose, Harmony Grove and Sheridan School Districts in regards to extending the deadline to May 1 for seniors to apply for Benton Chamber scholarships that are available at these school districts. Students are encouraged to reach out to their respective counselors for more information about the scholarships.
- Jamie Lynn Gabbard Memorial Scholarship – Saline County Home Builders – The Saline HomeBuilders Association is currently taking applications for the Jamie Lynn Gabbard Memorial Scholarship. Students interested in applying for the scholarship should contact the SHBA office at 501-315-6588 or The application deadline is May 8, 2020. Click Here for the application.
- HealthCARE Express – Pay It Forward Scholarship – $500 – Deadline June 8 – “Pay It Forward Scholarship” Offered to Graduating High School Seniors
- Hurricane Creek Federal Credit Union – $1000 Scholarship 2020 Application Now Available – Hurricane Creek Federal Credit Union $1,000 Scholarship Application for 2020 is now available. Applicant Qualifications – must be the primary holder of an account with the credit union (account may be opened for as little as $5 share deposit), be eligible for a state-recognized high school equivalent diploma within the next 12 months, and be actively enrolling as a “full time” student in an accredited 2 or 4-year college or university program or trade school. To apply complete the application and submit with a letter of recommendation from a non-related individual (teacher, mentor, or any unrelated adult) and a copy of your college acceptance letter. Also attach a 600-700 word essay that answers ONE of the below questions. 1. If you managed a financial institution what services would you officer to young members to help start and build a lifelong relationship? 2. If you participated in our Banzai Financial Education or Foundations on Personal Finance programs, what were the key principles you learned and how did it help you to better understand your future finances?
The application must be postmarked no later than April 24, and scholarships will be awarded by May 29, 2020. Mail application to PO Box 417, Benton, AR 72018 or Drop off in person at 1114 Ferguson Drive, Benton, AR 72015. Click Here for the application. - First Electric Cooperative – First Electric Youth Tour & Scholarships – **We are starting to get calls about the scholarship applications. We will still consider applicants if the only thing missing from their packet is the counselor’s signature. They still need to include a transcript (it does not have to be official), essay and their letters of recommendation. ** First Electric Cooperative is pleased to announce that for the 30th consecutive year, we will select up to four area students to participate in the Electric Cooperatives Youth Tour to Washington, D.C. This all-expense-paid trip will involve more than 1,500 students from across the nation in touring our nation’s capital on June 19-25. Applications may be completed online at Attached are items for your use in Youth Tour promotion including digital ads for social media, website and closed-circuit TV screens, flier and application. A short video is available at Any high school junior whose parents or guardians are members (customers) of First Electric is eligible for the Youth Tour. To enter the contest, students must submit an application by March 13, 2020. The winners will be selected based on information supplied on the applications and personal interviews. In addition to the Youth Tour, First Electric also is accepting applications for our 2020 scholarship program. The deadline to apply is May 1. This year, nine $2,000 scholarships will be awarded to area high school seniors. To apply, the seniors must be scheduled to graduate in the spring of 2020, and their parents or guardians must be members (customers) of First Electric. Applications may be completed online at Attached are items for your use in scholarship promotion including digital ads for social media, website and closed-circuit TV screens, flier and application. Click Here for the scholarship application. Click Here for the scholarship flyer.
- Businesses and organizations should email to give us information about your scholarship!findeastereggs