Lee Crow takes a step in a new direction, with a name change for his column and a new logo to go with it. Lee’s Faith & Fitness will be the new name of his column. Follow Lee Crow of Bryant on his fitness path, and try his recipes and health tips. See the the archives to his featured column here.
This week’s edition of Lee’s Faith & Fitness features a recipe I learned from a friend in Canada. This isn’t the exact recipe she created, but it’s close. I call this “Lee’s Turkey Egg Roll Bowl.”
- 6 tbsp Sriracha
- 6 tbsp onion flake
- 6 tbsp gluten free low sodium teriyaki seasoning
- 3 tsp Chinese five spice
- 6 tsp minced garlic.
If you own a business and would be interested in a great opportunity to promote your business we are looking for an ad sponsor for Lee’s Faith & Fitness. You can email me at lee.crow@att.net
Keep on the lookout for my next column when I’ll be sharing about the importance of being consistent and sticking to the process when it comes to healthy weight loss.
- Follow Lee Crow of Bryant on his fitness path, and try his recipes and health tips. See the the archives to his featured column here.
- Follow on YouTube at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdI0angcUoGVM-wOaU1oA0A
- On Instagram @lcrow73