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Arkansas Senator Kim Hammer of District 16 writes on Feb 27, 2024 —
If Your Vote Hasn’t Been Stolen Then Why?
There is a movement to take Saline County voting away from our current secure voting system to a total paper ballot system. In Saline County, let alone the rest of the state, there is no evidence to show just cause for such a move. This was recently affirmed when hand counted audits of 45,588 votes cast in 15 counties in Arkansas revealed that all but one vote was cast and counted accurately; the one vote was determined to be human error.
This would raise the question of why Saline County citizens would want to leave a proven system for one that would, among other things, increase the cost to Saline County by thousands of dollars-thousands of dollars that could be used for other vital services. This is not to mention increasing the demands on already overworked poll workers at our vote centers and the setback to early voting to which the majority of Saline County residents have become accustomed.
The Justices of the Peace who make up the Quorum Court are the elected officials who make the decision of what system Saline County citizens will use to vote. Our incumbents of the Quorum Court have resisted the movement to take us away from our current proven election system. They are to be commended for resisting taking us away from a proven voting system. This may be the single most important factor to consider when you vote for Saline County Justice of the Peace.
Consider the following when you vote for Justice of the Peace in Saline County. Is there anything in Saline County elections that shows any elections have been stolen under our current system? If not, then why should we move away from our current system and who would it benefit to do so? Do you want to give that power to someone who would take us away from our proven system, especially if it is going to take money away from other essential services of the county and change what we have become accustomed to when we vote? If there is not a problem in Saline County with elections, then why do we need a new solution for what is not broken?
State Senator Kim Hammer, District 16
This is a series. See the archive of Letters to the Editor, and submit your own letter at www.mysaline.com/letters.