Sue Fehlberg, Arkansas’ only certified KonMari Method™ consultant and owner of the Tidy Nest, will be in Saline County to provide tips, answer questions and demonstrate folding techniques.
You’ve probably heard the phrase “spark joy” recently from the Netflix show Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. With Kondo’s organization methods, she inspired viewers to spark joy by decluttering their homes. With the success of her show, Marie Kondo began hosting training sessions for people to become KonMari Consultants.
The Saline County Library is offering three workshops to help you learn to spark joy by tidying up. These are the locations and times:
- Mabel Boswell Memorial Library in Bryant located at 201 Prickett Road at 10:00 AM,
- Coronado Center in Hot Springs Village located at 150 Ponderosa Lane at 1:30 PM
- Bob Herzfeld Memorial Library in Benton located at 1800 Smithers Drive at 6:00 PM.
After leaving a corporate management position, Fehlberg took some time to think about what she would enjoy doing in her next job. She found that she really loved organizing and thus, began the process of becoming a KonMari Consultant.
“I know there are a lot of people who struggle with clutter,” says Fehlberg, “and I wanted to be able to help them get to a place where they enjoy their home.”
“The biggest challenge would be different for everyone,” says Fehlberg. “Some people have a hard time letting things go, some people have trouble staying focused long enough to finish and others are overwhelmed by the thought of having to go through everything in their home.”
Through her training, she’s learned one key piece of advice: “when it comes to tidying up, declutter first. Let go of the things that don’t spark joy in your life and surround yourself with the things that do.”
Fehlberg will be touching on these points and offering great advice that will help you get started in tidying up your home and sparking joy in your life.
Those wishing to continue the process of tidying up can contact Fehlberg for a free 30-minute consultation, where she’ll determine if you’ll be a good fit together and if her services are what you’re looking for. She prefers to follow the KonMari Method™, so you will start by tidying up by category in a specific order. For more information on the Tidy Nest, visit