Candidates write their own announcement. This is for the March 5, 2024 election, for the remaining term for Mayor of City of Bryant. Candidates should send their announcement to info@mysaline.com.
Jason Brown plans to seek the position of Mayor of the City of Bryant. This is a non-partisan position. His full announcement follows.
Bryant City Councilman and former President & CEO of the Greater Bryant Chamber of Commerce announces today his candidacy for Mayor of the city of Bryant.
“We are saying goodbye to a chapter and welcoming a new one, our city can not afford a continuation of what once was. I have served in multiple different capacities: working with & for our youth, community, and the businesses. Our city is geared toward growth and my experience at the Greater Bryant Chamber of Commerce, will help us develop and plan for constructive growth,” says Brown.
Brown was elected without opposition to the Bryant City Council in 2022. His focus while serving on the City Council has been to find ways to increase pay for our police and fire departments, as well as create new opportunities for business to come to Bryant.
“During my time on the Bryant City Council, we have increased pay for our first responders and we have positioned our city to grow leaps and bounds. We must have someone that knows how to lead without always adding a tax burden on our citizens,” Brown said.
In addition to public service, giving back to the community through charitable work is an emphasis Jason and his family has been heavily involved in Bryant. Brown has served on the Bryant Boys and Girls Clubs board as well as the Bryant Senior Center board.
“After much prayer, thought, and guidance from leaders across our city, my wife Sheri and son Gabriel, I have made the decision to serve our residents in a different way and announce my candidacy for Bryant Mayor. I humbly ask for your consideration to cast your vote for Jason Brown and I look forward to serving the citizens of our wonderful city.
The election for the next Bryant Mayor is set to take place on March 5th.
For more info, contact brownforbryant@gmail.com or visit www.BrownForBryant.com.