Young ladies in any Saline County high school or homeschool may join the Crown Club. It’s a part of Junior Auxiliary of Saline County meant to prepare youth for good citizenship, demonstrate care, compassion, respect, and service to others, while showing responsibility and leadership for themselves.
Girls must be in 9th-12th grade with at least a 3.0 grade point average. It is required to have a recommendation letter from a counselor, teacher, coach, or a current or past Junior Auxiliary member. Yearly dues are $30 and must be paid at the first meeting. Sponsorships are available.
If accepted for membership, the student must attend four Crown Club meetings, normally held on the 4th Thursday of the month at 5:30 p.m. The meeting location is First United Methodist Church in Benton. The student must obtain 15 service hours, with three of those hours coming from a JA service project. Other requirements are to obtain four finance hours and babysit at least one JA chapter meeting (counts as one service hour).
The application deadline is August 21st. Students will be notified of acceptance by August 25th. Apply at For more information contact:
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