(Left to Right) Longtime radio personality Tom Wood, of BIG 94.9FM at iHeart Media; Holly Fish of EGP Accounting is Founder of WIN of Central Arkansas & Director of the the Pulaski County chapter of WIN; Dianne Jester of Bank of the Ozarks in Hot Springs Village is Director of the Garland County and Saline County chapters of WIN and the Career Closet hosted at Goodwill in Bryant; Shelli Poole is Founder of MySaline.com and member of the Saline County Chapter of WIN.
I’ve told you before about this networking group I’m a part of, called WIN – short for Women in Networking. I said something on Facebook about the meetings and it caught the eye of Tom Wood who works for iHeart Media on Big 94.9FM. He asked if we’d like to come and be interviewed for his public affairs show that airs on Sunday mornings. Of course we said YES and we met Tom at the radio station today.
You can hear the program air on Sunday, February 21, 2016 at 6 a.m. on KSSN (95.7FM), 7 a.m. on BIG (94.9FM), and at 715 a.m. on The Edge (100.3FM). However… Tom was awesome and posted the interview to the internet for us to share! CLICK TO LISTEN, then read more info below meetings and joining!
Thanks so much, Tom, for inviting me, Pulaski County WIN Director Holly Fish and Saline & Garland County Director Dianne Jester!
The Saline County chapter meets every first Wednesday. The next meeting is March 2nd, 2016 at The Center at Bishop Park (upstairs). Lunch is 1130, Speaker starts at Noon and we’re done by 1pm. Membership is free – you just pay for your lunch.
To join us, contact Dianne at djester@bankozarks.com or Kathy Pannell at kpannell@bankozarks.com.
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WomenInNetworkingAR
- Brand new website: www.WINwoman.org.