The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission publishes a calendar and maps annually so the public will know when and where the the hunting and trapping seasons are. We have provided that list below, and you can scroll to see the larger versions of the deer and bear maps. This is just a date summary with maps – visit the AGFC hunting page for more detailed info on each type:.
Deer (large map below)
- Statewide: Sept. 26-Feb. 28
- Deer zones 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 11: Oct. 17-25 and Dec. 12-14
- Deer zones 4A, 5A, 14 and 15: Oct. 17-25 and Dec. 19-21
- Deer zones 9, 12, 13, 16, 16A and 17: Oct. 17-25
- Deer zones 4 and 5: closed
Modern gun
- Deer zones 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 11: Nov. 14-Dec. 6
- Deer zones 4 and 5: Nov. 14-22
- Deer zones 4A, 5A, 14 and 15: Nov. 14-Dec. 13
- Deer zones 9, 12 and 13: Nov. 14-Dec. 20
- Deer zones 16, 16A and 17: Nov. 14-Dec. 25
Christmas holiday modern gun deer hunt
- Statewide (excluding WMAs that are closed during modern
gun deer season): Dec. 26-28
Special modern gun youth deer hunt
- All zones (excludes certain WMAs where a modern gun or
muzzleloader permit is required to hunt): Nov. 7-8 and
Jan. 2-3
Private land antlerless only modern gun deer hunt
- Deer zones statewide: Dec. 29-31
Bear (large map below)
- Bear zones 1 and 2: Sept. 26-Nov. 30
- Bear zones 3, 4, 5, 5A, 6 and 7: closed
- Bear zones 1 and 2: Oct. 17-25
- Bear zones 3, 4, 5, 5A, 6 and 7: closed
Modern gun
- Bear zones 1 and 2: Nov. 14-30 (Zone 1 closes earlier if quota is
reached) - Bear zone 5: Nov. 21-29 (closes earlier if quota is reached)
- Bear zone 5A: Nov. 21-Dec. 6 (closes earlier if quota is reached)
- Bear zones 3, 4, 6 and 7: closed
Special modern gun youth bear hunt
- Bear zones 1 and 2 (does not include WMAs
requiring a deer permit to harvest a bear): Nov. 7-8 - Bear zones 3, 4, 5, 5A, 6 and 7: closed
- Core Elk Management Zone (all private and public lands within
Boone, Carroll, Madison, Newton and Searcy counties)
Public Land
- Elk zones 1, 2, 3, and 4: Oct. 5-9 and Oct. 26-30 (Permit required)
Youth Hunts:
- Oct. 3-4 and Oct. 24-25 (Permit required)
Private Land
- Private Land Core Elk Zone (Boone, Carroll, Madison, Newton and
Searcy counties; excludes Boxley Valley): Oct. 5-9 and Oct. 26-30
(Permit required)
Youth Hunt: Oct. 3-4 and Oct. 24-25 (Permit required)
- Elk found outside of the Core Elk Management Zone may be taken
during deer season with weapon legal for that season.
- Statewide: Nov. 1-Feb. 7
- Statewide: Sept. 1-Feb. 28
- Statewide: May 15-Feb. 28
- Statewide: Sept. 1-Feb. 21. (Thursday-Monday hunting only)
- Furbearer trapping (other than coyote, beaver, nutria):
sunrise, Nov. 14-sunset, Feb. 28 - Coyote trapping: sunrise, Aug. 1-sunset, March 31
- Beaver, nutria trapping: sunrise, Nov. 14-sunset, March 31
- Gray fox, mink, muskrat, red fox hunting:
sunrise, Sept.1-sunset, Feb. 28 - Raccoon, opossum, striped skunk day or night hunting:
Jan. 1-Dec. 31 - Bobcat hunting: sunrise, Sept. 1- sunset, Feb. 28 and during turkey
season. - Coyote day hunting: Jan. 1- Dec. 31
- River otter hunting: sunrise, Nov. 14-sunset, Feb. 28
- Nutria, beaver hunting: sunrise, Sept. 1-sunset, March 31
- Badger, spotted skunk and weasel hunting: closed
Contact the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission:
- 2 Natural Resources Drive • Little Rock, Arkansas 72205
501-223-6300 • Toll-free 800-364-4263 •
Buy a License:
- Toll-free 800-364-4263 (Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.) or use the AGFC mobile app