Cub reporters, Roger and Thelma Poole, sometimes fill in for daughter, Shelli, when she gets overbooked. Her website,, requires a constant diet of news and happenings as they occur all over Saline County.
Today Thelma and I went to Bob Herzfeld Memorial Library in Benton to check out the reception being held for the new library director, Patricia Hector. Set up as a 3pm to 6pm drop in affair, we arrived at a fashionable 4pm-ish. Thelma took flight and immediately began to work the room. She has the gift of gab as I have the gift of listening.
As we entered the facility my ears were treated to a guitar riff with a classical bent. Acoustical guitar is a favorite of mine and I was led like a moth to a 40 watt light bulb to the source of that wonderful string of musical pearls. Turns out that in the corner a man was lightly strumming on his slightly electrified acoustical guitar.
All the while the music flowed, library patrons gathered in small groups to enjoy a little conversation in a place where normally a finger raised to the lips would likely stifle any such frivolity. Not today. Many were they who dropped in to enjoy the ample spread of food in an informal meet and greet atmosphere. Most took an opportunity to wish the new director well. I for one found Patty, as she likes to be called, to be a very engaging person and someone you could easily imagine sitting down for cake and conversation over a freshly brewed cup of coffee or tea. Welcome, Patty.
If I may, I must say one more thing about the guitar picker. Turns out it was Michael Carenbauer, or more correctly, Professor Carenbauer who is the Director of Guitar Studies at UALR. See the video for a sample of his talent.