Before the fight: Pictured standing at center are Jon Newcomb (in overalls) and Allison Gray (in orange).
UPDATE SEPT 12, 2024
MySaline has gathered a few items for an update, after a physical fight that occurred on Thursday, September 5, 2024, at the Saline County Republican Committee meeting. This update includes these items below:
A. Video from West side of the room, by Kevan Bradshaw,
B. Narrative from the police report taken that night, and
C. A letter asking the state party committee to oust certain people from the Saline County committee.
D. Video from East side of the room, by Kenneth Wallis
See also three press releases from the next day, condemning the incident. One is from Saline County Elected Officials, condemning the “toxic culture fostered by the leadership.” One is from the Saline County Republican Committee Chairman, Frank Curtis, defending party member Jon Newcomb, but condemning the violence. The third is from the Democratic Party of Saline County, calling the incident “violent extremism.”

After the fight: Pictured in the foreground is James Cavin (pink torn shirt) being escorted out of the meeting by another attendee. In background at left is Jon Newcomb (black shirt). Read the original article at https://www.mysaline.com/gop-090524/. Watch MySaline for any updates.
A. Video from West side of the room by Kevan Bradshaw
The following video is from the West side of the room. Scroll to item D. to see video from the East side of the room by Kenneth Wallis.
Incident Narrative by Ofc. W. Brown, involving James Cavin, age 62, of Conway, Arkansas and Jonathan Newcomb, age 42, of Benton, Arkansas.
On 09/05/2024, at 7:48 PM, Ofc. R. Besancon and I responded Code 3 (lights and sirens) to 1800 Citizen Drive 9 (The River Center) in reference to a 6-person fight that was currently happening. Before I arrived on scene, I was informed the fight was broken up and one of the males involved was standing outside.
Once on scene, Ofc. Besancon and I were approached by James Cavin. Cavin informed us that he was one of the males involved in the fight and the other male was a large white male with a beard wearing jean overalls. As I stood by, with Cavin, Ofc. Besancon entered into the River Center and found the other male involved, later identified as Jonathan Newcomb. While Ofc. Besancon spoke with Newcomb, I asked Cavin what happened.
Cavin began with saying he was invited by a friend to attend this Republican meeting. When it began, he was sitting in the back and began to get aggravated seeing Newcomb cutting females off when they spoke and being hostile towards them when they spoke. After a little while, Cavin stated he had enough and called Newcomb out for how he was intimidating the females speaking up front. This upset Newcomb and caused him to yell at Cavin and start walking towards Cavin. Due to Newcomb’s aggressive walk, Cavin told him to stop and not get close to him, but Newcomb continued to move quickly towards Cavin. Cavin told me he was worried about what Newcomb was going to do due to Newcomb’s size (6’3” and 310 lbs). As Newcomb came close to Cavin, Cavin put his arm out and told him to back up, hearing this, Newcomb continued to step up to Cavin and leaned his head in quickly towards Cavin. Due to this, Cavin punched Newcomb in the left eye knocking him down. Once on the ground Newcomb pulled Cavin to the ground and several people moved over and separated the two before anything else could occur.
Following this I spoke with Ofc. Besancon who informed me that Newcomb was bleeding from a laceration just above his left eye. Ofc. Besancon also informed me of Newcomb’s side of the story. Newcomb informed Ofc. Besancon that he and Cavin were exchanging words and when he was walking towards Cavin, Cavin just punched him in the face.
While talking with Ofc. Besancon, Ofc. French and Ofc. Smith arrived on scene and stood by, with Cavin. Continuing to talk, I was approached by Kenneth Wallis who informed me he had a video recording of the incident. He then showed me the video. The video was consistent with exactly how Cavin described it and showed the entire physical side of the incident. I was unable to get Wallis’ information, however I did get his phone number and business card. Wallis stated once he made it home, he would rip the video and provide us with a copy so we could hear the audio of the incident.
After viewing the video, I was approached by John Pool, a witness to the incident, Pool informed me he was one of the first people to attempt to pull Newcomb and Cavin apart. While on the ground he saw Newcomb look as if he was trying to choke Cavin however he was pulled away from Cavin before he was able to choke him.
Due to the large amount of people that had gathered and it being a misdemeanor crime that did not occur in my presence, Sgt. McCauley and I decided to thoroughly record this incident and wait for video footage of this incident. Charges will be pending after all video and documentation has been gathered. Following this, all involved parties separated and left the area.
C. Letter to State Party
Clint Lancaster posted a copy of a letter to his social media. The letter, addressed to Republican Party of Arkansas Chairman Joseph Wood, detailed reasons for a request to oust several members of the Saline County Republican Party, including the current Chairman, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and one person who is a JP-Elect. The letter follows:
September 9, 2024
Mr. Joseph Wood, CHAIRMAN
Republican Party of Arkansas
Mr. Chairman:
I bring this rules review request pursuant to Article II, § 11(A).
Please file this in accordance with the Party’s rules and, with all haste, appoint and form the rules review committee.
There is evidence that the following members of the Saline County Republican Committee have violated the Party’s rules:
John Newcomb;
Frank Curtis:
Scott Gray;
Allison Gray;
Angela Gray;
Rene Almond:
Thomas Harper, and
Stephanie Johnson
I allege these individuals violated the following rules:
Article 1, § 1(A)(B)(D);
Article 1, § 3(B)(3);
Article II, § 6(A) (as to Frank Curtis only);
Article II, § 6(B) (as to Angela Gray only);
Article II, § 6(D) (as to Rene Almond only); and
Article II, § 6(E) (as to Thomas Harper only).
As a sanction for the violation of these rules, I request the committee take the following actions:
A. Removal of these people from the SCRC;
B. Removal of these people from county committee leadership positions;
C. Removal of these people from all district committee positions;
D. Removal of these people from all state committee positions;
E. Ban these people from holding any positions, leadership or otherwise, in the Party for a period of twenty (20) years;
F. Ban these individuals from membership to this, or any other, county committee for a period of ten (10) years; and
G. Direct and order that the newly formed leadership of the county committee bring a motion to the body to consider issuing a public apology for the actions of the committee.
I allege that the individuals committed the following factual allegations that violated the above rules. All members listed engaged in conduct that violated the Preamble in that they hindered the Party in its objectives of electing qualified candidates to every public office and fulfilling the needs of the citizens of Arkansas in a manner consistent with the beliefs and principles of the RPA.
More specifically:
1. John Newcomb
John Newcomb repeatedly violated Article 1, § 8’s parliamentary procedures by continually yelling and screaming at committee members in a hostile or aggressive manner, using profanity, making profane gestures, demeaning committee members and guests, using his size as physical affront to members and guests, and physically attacking a respected guest and conservative radio talk show host.
Newcomb continually and repeatedly berated members who spoke out against his views. At the August 2024, meeting he screamed and called a committee member a “traitor” for making a motion he did not like. Also, at the August 2024, meeting, he tried to fight the elected county sheriff, Rodney Wright, a Republican, who was present and in full uniform.
Newcomb has colluded with the other members named as offenders in this document to hold secret executive committee meetings to avoid losing agenda items by excluding “nay” or adverse votes (Newcomb is the “third vice chair” and member of the executive committee).
Newcomb has colluded with the other members named as offenders in this document to undermine the orderly flow of committee business, sow discord and hate among members, and intentionally brought about an atmosphere of anger, frustration, confusion, and distrust among committee members to advance his personal agenda and those of the rest of the executive committee.
He initiated, colluded, and/or participated in a scheme of filing false ethics complaints against Republican officials in retaliation for perceived injustices. This includes coercing older, more vulnerable members of the committee to make false statements or allegations against JP Justin Rue because he was displeased with Rue’s treatment of members of the committee. This also includes false statements and allegations against Doyle Webb after his organization rightfully and legally terminated the committee’s lease at its longtime headquarters.
All these actions evince an intent to work against the interests of the party, stifle free conservative political speech, alienate members of the community from joining the committee, portraying Republican officials and candidates in a bad light, failing to uphold the values of the RPA, and acting in a manner inconsistent with the beliefs and principles of the RPA.
As if it could not get worse, it did. Newcomb recently attended a Hot Spring County Republican Committee meeting. At that meeting, a member of that committee made a motion that Newcomb did not like. Even though Newcomb has no membership or interest in the HSCRC, he voiced his displeasure with the movant and invited the movant to meet him outside in what is widely perceived as an invitation to resolve the matter with a physical altercation. It made no difference to Newcomb that the movant was a woman.
2. Frank Curtis.
Frank Curtis is the chairman of this committee. During his tenure, he has fostered an environment and atmosphere in which the county committee has languished to its current state. He has neglected to take leadership actions to stop the actions of the other alleged offenders.
For example, at no time did Curtis use his authority to stop Jon Newcomb from acting against the interests of the Party and the committee. Instead, he actively encouraged it. How different would the August and September 2024 meetings be if he had directly admonished Newcomb to stop acting out? How different would those meetings be if he had removed Newcomb for his outbursts? After the September 2024, meeting, he intentionally spread false statements about the events that occurred in the meetings and made inaccurate public statements on behalf of the committee that were not authorized by the committee.
Curtis was an active participant in secret executive committee meetings. He was an active participant in the false ethics complaints that were filed. He was an active participant in creating division among the committee members. He was complacent when the named offenders took advantage of the more vulnerable members of the committee in the filing of the retaliatory ethics allegations.
Curtis was divisive to the local YR chapter. He called them names that indicated they were communists or a communist organization. He made derogatory comments about elected county officials to the entire body in a committee meeting in front of guests from the community. Additionally, Curtis has indicated that some members of the committee are more valuable than others and should be entitled to special treatment.
Finally, Curtis has failed to attend and lead meetings. A special meeting was called in August of 2024. Rather than attend the meeting and fulfill his duty under the rules, he declared the meeting cancelled and did not attend. This is a direct violation of the Party’s rules.
3. Scott Gray
I incorporate all factual allegations previously made as against Scott Gray except that Gray did not physically attack anyone.
Absent actually attacking someone, Scott Gray, participated in encouraging all actions set out in this request for review. In fact, he was the unofficial mastermind of actions that alienated members, caused division, called secret executive committee meetings, and created websites that spread falsehoods and disparaged committee members.
At times, Gray would purchase digital billboard space and place public messages that purported or implied that the message was that of the SCRC. Gray actively silenced members in meetings whose statements he did not approve by overriding the mute feature of Zoom to literally silence the speaker.
Gray whipped up frenzy among members by pitting members against one another and actively excluding those whom he thought were weak or who would not do his bidding.
In 2022, Gray yelled and screamed at Senator Kim Hammer, berated him, and made outlandish demands in front of the entire body at a committee meeting-again one in which guests from the community were present. He was attempting to use his influence to minimize the work of Senator Hammer in the Senate. It was uncivil and clearly designed to turn the community against Senator Hammer because Gray did not like his bill.
At a meeting held by the committee and the SCRW about books in the library, a guest from the library was present, making himself willing and able to answer questions about library books in front of both bodies. When this guest spoke in response to a question, Gray yelled and screamed at him. He threatened to “mute” his microphone because he did not like what the guest was saying. Gray specifically used his position in the committee to stifle free speech that he disliked.
At another meeting, he screamed at, berated, and demeaned the Party’s primary candidate for the House of Representatives, an elected official of the Benton School Board, and a prominent figure in the community, Paul Childress, because Childress was not doing something about library books that Gray thought he should be doing-
His actions have reflected poorly on the county committee, stifled participation, chilled membership, and actively worked against the Party to further his personal agenda.
4. Allison Gray.
All allegations against Scott Gray are incorporated against Allison Gray. In addition, Allison actively solicited older, more vulnerable members of the committee to file false ethics complaints against Republican officials. Also, she physically assaulted another committee member who is also the president of the SCRW.
5. Angela Gray.
All allegations against Scott and Allison Gray are incorporated against Angela Gray with the exception that Angela did not physically assault anyone. In addition, Angela, as the second vice chair, failed to attend meetings and failed to lead meetings when Frank Curtis failed to appear.
6. Rene Almond
Rene Almond is the secretary. All allegations against Angela Gray are incorporated against Rene Almond. In addition, Rene failed to attend meetings and failed to accurately keep records of attendance causing some members, including those that vote against her and other named offenders’ anti-RPA agenda. To be clear, Almond also solicited an older, vulnerable member of the committee to file false ethics complaints against an elected Republican Justice of the Peace.
7. Thomas Harper
Thomas Harper is the treasurer. All allegations against Angela Gray are incorporated against Thomas Harper. In addition to failing to attend meetings, Harper failed to timely pay the financial obligations of the committee, causing the committee to become evicted from their longtime headquarters. Thomas Harper also publicly and privately spread false statements about other Republicans in the state.
8. Stephanie Johnson.
Stephanie Johnson is a Republican county JP elect. Including engaging in the same conduct as the Grays and Ms. Almond, she has directly attacked other members of the committee whose actions she does not like. Her speech is vitriolic, hateful, divisive, and designed to chill speech and participation in the Party. In addition, she has filed false police reports alleging that county committee members attempted to bribe her when, instead, they offered to help her get desperately needed mental health treatment.
At the first signs of an illness, the body begins working to cure itself. Often, the body completely self-heals. At times, the illness is stronger than the body can repair on its own and more drastic measures are taken to help the body cope and heal.
That is what has happened here. A few members of this county committee have begun to attack the body. Quiet and hushed conversations were had. Gentle guidance was given. Informal admonishments occurred. Wise counsel was administered.
And it was all ignored. The offensive conduct not only continued but worsened into a cancer. Stronger measures were taken. Treatment from esteemed members of the committee failed to cure this problem.
Complaints were filed. Votes were had to temporarily remove the cancerous members. A bold and direct attempt was made to resolve this matter in-house. That attempt failed when the third vice chair of the SCRC attacked a guest at the September 2024, SCRC meeting.
The cancer is still present, and it is now at a critical stage. It must be extricated from the body, or the body will wither and die a slow and painful death. We have a constitutional right to associate with those whom we want to associate. We have a constitutional right to not be forced to associate with those whom we do not want to associate.
Forced association with these members is slowly killing the largest county committee in the state. Just in the past few days, the SCRC executive committee, the same named offenders in this review request, have taken no responsibility for their actions. Instead, they published an unapproved and inaccurate statement on behalf the entire committee validating and affirming the actions of the third vice chair and projecting blame onto others.
These individuals are the most radical of the committee and the Party. They have indicated a desire to take over leadership of the RPA. If the rules review committee does not find a way to remove this cancer from the committee, it is likely to spread to the entire party. If that happens, it will not be long before we are no longer a dominating political force because we will have lost our Republican values.
Prepared By: Clinton W. Lancaster
Signed By: [Signature]
D. Video from East side of the room by Kenneth Wallis
The video source is from someone who regularly takes video at the meetings. You will have to watch one or two ads of theirs before the video starts.
Videos below are by Kenneth Wallis: