Fat Boyz Garage is presenting their first annual car show to be held at the Saline County Fairgrounds in Benton on Saturday, May 18th from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Participants in the show may arrive between 10 and 11 am to check-in and set up.
The event will be open to the public starting at 11 am with free admission for all spectators.
The event will include food trucks, vendors, a raffle, and all kinds of cool cars, trucks, and more!
Award ceremony to begin at 4 pm and 20 classes total will be open for entry with awards in each!
For more information on the event check out their Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/events/s/fat-boyz-garage-1st-annual-car/261072473673430/?mibextid=9VsGKo&rdid=B6tZuROSINZBHvN9