A Boy Scout in Bryant has renovated Wilhelm/Rose Garden Cemetery for his Eagle Scout project with the help of Saline County Preservation, Inc. An event to dedicate the work will be held at the cemetery Thursday, August 24th at 6:30 p.m. The cemetery is on the west side Springhill Road to just north of Hilltop Road. See ether map below.
Joey Jilek is an Eagle Scout candidate in Troop 99. He just turned 15 and is a student at the Bryant School District.
Jilek explains why he renovated the cemetery, “I chose this project for my Boy Scout Eagle project because I like history. Just about any type of history. I worked with my former history teacher, Mr. Rushing, to come up with a project and this one sounded very interesting. it was a great way to learn more about Saline County and the Bryant/Alexander/Benton area. It turned out to be a lot of work, but also very fun.”
Click the map below to open Google Maps to the location.