The Saline County Clerk’s Offices Announces email newsletter, “The Checkmark,” for citizens to learn details of upcoming elections. County Clerk Doug Curtis issued the following announcement on Wednesday morning, July 5th, 2017.
For the past year, Saline County Clerk Doug Curtis has gone above and beyond to effectively communicate election information to the general public. Since the launch of our Facebook & Twitter accounts in May 2016 we’ve reached people over 106,000 times on Facebook and over 225,000 times on Twitter. While we consistently remain the only County Clerk’s Office in the State of Arkansas with a very active Twitter and Facebook, it is time to take it up a notch.
Today on July 5, 2017 we announce the launch of our official email newsletter for election information. According to the Secretary of State’s office, we are the first to pursue this type of communication. During elections, we will email voters on the
list all the necessary information for that election. We believe it will be extremely successful. Once we see it come to fruition we will encourage other County Clerks and election commissions in the state to do so.
Saline County Voters may subscribe to the Checkmark through Facebook, Twitter, QR Code scanner, filling out a form in our office, or through
We encourage all Saline County Voters to essentially “Check the Checkmark.”