This school year has been a wild ride for high school seniors, with the pandemic changing both prom and graduation… but college preparation continues. Below are some local scholarships available. Look through, and apply or share. If your business or organization would like to be added to the list, send an email to and […]
Over 13K Arkansans eligible for relief on auto loans from predatory company
Over 13,000 Arkansans are eligible to get their money back or forgiveness on their auto loans, totalling up to nearly $30 million from one lender’s predatory actions. Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge today announced a settlement with Santander Consumer USA Inc. (Santander) that includes approximately $550 million in relief for consumers, with more relief in additional […]
AEDC Gives Update on Ready for Business Grant Program
The Arkansas Economic Development Commission posted an update on the Arkansas Ready for Business Grant Program. The details for applying and qualifying are listed below: Applications will be accepted from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Tuesday, May 5 and Wednesday May 6. The link to the application will be available on this page. Applications […]
Sen. Cotton updates on SBA loans, Stimulus, Agriculture and more
US Senator Tom Cotton released updates on Wednesday evening from the federal government regarding COVID-19. See the outline below to look for topics on certain pages of this 18-page PDF document. Also see the document in jpg files at the end of this article. 1-2… SBA Updates Pending Stimulus Origination Fee Payment. rule of “must […]
Sherwin Williams Donates 3,000 Facemasks to Arkansas Law Enforcement & First Responders
Sherwin-Williams will donate 3,000 N95 face masks to law enforcement and first responders in Arkansas at the request of Attorney General Leslie Rutledge. The personal protective equipment (PPE) will be delivered to the Association of Arkansas Counties and the Arkansas Municipal League, who will disperse them at the local level. “Sherwin-Williams salutes Arkansas law enforcement […]
Sec of State pushing through doc requests for PPP loan apps
According to Secretary of State John Thurston, their office has been assisting many small businesses in Arkansas that are currently applying for loans under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). They are assisting in providing the required copies of incorporating documents as a stipulation of the program. “We continue to work daily with Arkansas’ financial institutions […]
Here’s what to do to get your Economic Impact Payment – a.k.a COVID-19 relief
Previously MySaline gave information about how to get your Economic Impact Payment, also known as a Relief Payment – that $1,200 you’ve been hearing about, coming from the federal government. In this update, US Congressman French Hill expands on that information, telling who is eligible and how to make sure you get your payment, how […]
COVID-19 Relief: How to Apply for Unemployment When You’re Self-Employed
Are you you trying to get an unemployment check due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but you’re running into a wall because you’re self-employed? The Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) Program is separate from the regular unemployment insurance program, which will continue to operate. PUA is designed for individuals who are not eligible for regular and extended […]
Franchise Tax Deadline Pushed Back for Arkansas Businesses
Arkansas Secretary of State John Thurston announced today that late fees and interest charges on businesses’ annual franchise taxes will be waived until July 15th. The filing deadline for annual franchise taxes is May 1st. Typically, companies filing after the deadline are charged a $25 late fee plus 0.000274% interest per day the payment is […]
Governor Calls for Special Legislative Session to Adjust Budget for COVID-19
Governor Asa Hutchinson today issued the official call to legislators for an Extraordinary Session of the 92nd General Assembly to convene at 1 p.m. on Thursday, March 26, 2020. See the official proclamation below. “I have called this special session of the General Assembly to ask legislators to cover the projected loss in state revenue,” […]