See MySaline’s “Picture of the Day” and browse the archive at To submit a picture, email it to! Today’s picture comes after a forecast a few days ago that was supposed to include snow – at least a little bit of snow – in Saline County. As the days grew closer, the forecast […]
Picture of the Day: Even Sasquatch Votes!
See MySaline’s “Picture of the Day” and browse the archive at To submit a picture, email it to! I personally took today’s picture, because even Sasquatch votes! I saw this well-dressed fellow at the Vote Here building on Main Street in historic Downtown Benton on Friday morning, October 23rd, 2020, waving at cars […]
Picture of the Day: War veteran runs with flag in Benton and across the state during pandemic
See MySaline’s “Picture of the Day” and browse the archive at To submit a picture, email it to! Today’s picture is from Kerrie Woods. She saw Nathaniel Thomas running on Military Road in Benton this Saturday morning, October 3rd, 2020, with a large American flag, waving and saluting. Mr. Thomas is a veteran […]
Picture of the Day: Farm on Highway 67
MySaline started posting a “Picture of the Day” on our social media, but we thought it would be a good idea to put it on the website too, so followers can search the archive. If you want to submit a picture, email it to! You can also browse the Picture of the Day archives […]
Picture of the Day: Jack Skellington in Downtown Benton’s Spook City
MySaline started posting a “Picture of the Day” on our social media, but we thought it would be a good idea to put it on the website too, so followers can search the archive. If you want to submit a picture, email it to! You can also browse the Picture of the Day archives […]
Video: Chillest pizza guy stops in Benton to save cutest owl in the road
A Saline County man with the most laid back attitude encountered a young owl who obviously had not yet learned to stay out of the street. Mike McGrath of Benton said he was driving near the Saline River on Highway 229 when he spotted the bird. “I was out delivering pizza last night and coming […]
Picture of the Day: 7-year-old photographer captures paw prints near farmers market
MySaline started posting a “Picture of the Day” on our social media, but we thought it would be a good idea to put it on the website too, so followers can search the archive. If you want to submit a picture, email it to! You can also browse the Picture of the Day archives […]
Group from Benton library branch to clean up Smithers Drive on Aug 21st
The Saline County Library has resceduled their litter cleanup day to Friday, August 21 at 8:30 am. on Smithers Drive, where the Benton Branch is located. Library Manager Janine Miller is organizing the effort. She says, “There is a lot of trash along Smithers Drive, and this would be a great time for us all […]
Benton man elected Kiwanis Governor for Missouri/Arkansas District
A Benton man won his recent campaign to serve as Governor in the Kiwanis District of Missouri/Arkansas. A.C. Paxton of Benton, Arkansas, has been a member of the Kiwanis Club for 43 years in the Benton Golden K club. He says he has held just about every position within the organization. This year, he decided […]
Benton man uses his free time to clean up the river park for others
MySaline gets emails and messages all the time, but occasionally one sticks out. Pollyanna Brown Wherry emailed a nice letter to us on Monday morning, telling about a man she saw working by the river. There are several people who volunteer their time to make time at the river and Saline Crossing Park more enjoyable, […]
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