CADC Hosting Public Hearings to Identify Public Need
The public is invited to attend a series of public hearings by Central Arkansas Development Council (CADC) to discuss proposed purpose and strategies for their 12-county service area for October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017. The primary purpose for conducting the hearing is to identify needs, services, resources and activities that will help low […]
Bryant PD Invites the Public to National Night Out Parking Lot Party on Tuesday
The Bryant Police Department invites you to join the community fun on Tuesday night, October 4th, 2016, for National Night Out. From 6 – 8 p.m., at the Target parking lot in Alcoa Exchange, there will be a night of fun, food and games. This year you can experience the Mobile Video Game Station, smoke house provided by […]
2nd Annual Chili Cook-Off, Oct 2, for Suicide Awareness
WHEN: Sunday at 12 PM – 3 PM WHERE: Northside Church Of Christ, 917 N East St, Benton This is a fundraiser to increase to increase awareness about suicide Admission is $5 per person at the door. All proceeds will go to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. See more info on the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1766709533618458/?ti=cl
Two Rescued Monday Morning from SUV Rollover on Alcoa Road
Photos by David Mitchell If you had a little wait to get through Alcoa Road this morning, it was because an SUV rolled over. Right in front of Hurricane Creek Elementary, a couple was driving along but flipped for some reason and they were stuck inside. Benton resident David Mitchell saw it happen and stopped […]
Don’t Fall for this Expensive Scam by Fake SCSO Deputy
According to Lt. Jeffery Silk, over the past 24 hours, the Saline County Sheriff’s Office (SCSO) has taken reports where citizens were contacted by a subject identifying himself as an SCSO deputy. The fictitious deputy tells the victim that court records show they owe a sum of money and it must be paid immediately. THIS […]
Quilt Show by Saline Co. Quilters Guild Sep 16-17 in Benton
The Saline County Quilters Guild is having their annual quilt show at the Benton Events Center Sept 16 & 17. “Quilting in the Heart of Arkansas” September 16 9:00–7:00 September 17 9:00–3:00 Quilt-related items for sale Quilting vendors Door Prizes
“Grilling for Jack” Steak Cookoff on Oct 1st is a Fundraiser for Bauxite Boy
The community has come together to host a steak cookoff event to raise money for a Bauxite child. “Grilling for Jack” will give 100% of the proceeds to the family of Jack Cauley, a 10-year-old Bauxite resident who was recently diagnosed with DIPG, a rare brain stem tumor. This will be an SCA-sanctioned event. If […]
Benton Resident Finds Military Artillery in Saline River
Yesterday, Benton Police officers were called to a residence on West Lakeview in regards to a possible piece of military grade explosives there. It was determined that somebody had located an old military grade ordnance in the Saline River over the weekend and brought it home thinking that it was inactive.The Arkansas State Police were called […]
Longtime Newspaper Man, Whit Jones Dies Thursday
I said yesterday that I wasn’t going to write this story, but I can’t say nothing. Whit Jones has died. He was formerly my editor when I wrote a column for the (then) Benton Courier. According to the Pulaski County Coroner report, he died in his home in Little Rock on Thursday morning, January 21, 2016. The […]