TIME: 6:00 pm
PLACE: Electric Utility Building, 1827 Dale Street
DATE: October 17, 2016
1. Prayer
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Minutes from the Regular Meeting of September 19, 2016.
1. Request by Steve Porter, ARES Emergency Coordinator to move radios from Frendall water tower to Carpenter water tower.
2. Josh Ramsey, Water Purification Supervisor would like to request to purchase three waste valves and actuator for the water treatment plant.
3. Discussion of and possible approval of bids for:
a. Hurricane lake substation perimeter fence.
b. Hurricane lake substation transformer pad & oil containment.
c. Trailer Mounted Vacuum Excavation System for the Electric Dept.
d. HVAC for new customer service building by McClelland Engineers.
e. Cabinetry for new customer service building by McClelland Engineers.
f. Asphalt for new customer service building by McClelland Engineers.
4. Randy Hawkins, Wastewater Assistant Manager would like to request funding for increased pipe bursting in 2016 from the Utilities Depreciation Fund.
5. Discussion on request from Mayor for utilities to pay City Attorney wage increase.
6. Recommendation to move Human Resources position under the General Manager.
7. Recommendation by Garrett Cole of GDS and utility staff for new wholesale electric rates.
• Executive Session