The Benton Public Utilities Commission will meet on Monday, March 3rd, 2025. They are scheduled to discuss sewer rates, tree trimming, a purchasing a water line and more.
Read the full agenda below:
DATE: 03/03/2025
TIME: 6:00 p.m.
PLACE: Benton Utilities Electric Department, 1827 Dale Avenue Benton, AR 72015
1. Call to Order
2. Prayer
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Roll Call
5. Approval of Minutes of February 3, 2025, Regular Meeting
6. Departmental Reports
A. Safety/Personnel Update Terrie Sossamon
B. January Financials Jimmy Garrett
7. Old Business
A. Sewer Rate Discussion Request from Customer Todd Pedersen
8. New Business
A. Tree Trimming Bid Darren Prysock
B. Benton Parkway Sewer Project Bid Dewayne Hood
C.Purchase of Water Line from Southwest (Water Users) Todd Pedersen
9. Announcement
A. Chamber Banquet- March 4, 2025-6 p.m. Brad Meltzer, Speaker
B. Next Meeting Date: April 7, 2025
10. Executive Session
A. None
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