Bryant Mayor Allen Scott released a statement Monday with an overview of his first 45 days in office. He lists among the accomplishments the search for a new Chief of Police, giving duties to the City Attorney, discussions about Heart of Bryant Improvement Area, work on the Bryant Parkway, Parks Department, regular meetings with the County Judge and Benton Mayor, the Chamber of Commerce and more. Read it below:
“I will say the team here at the city has been great, and hit the ground running on January 2nd. Progress is being made across Bryant. There is much more to do, and I will continue working to ensure that Bryant is the best place to live in central Arkansas and you can continue to #expectmore.” —Bryant Mayor Allen Scott
- Began the process to hire a new Chief of Police. We have received several applications and will begin interviews soon.
- Passed an ordinance giving elected City Attorney the duties that were completed by the previous Staff Attorney.
- Started meeting with property owners in the Heart of Bryant Improvement Area. Working closely with them and City Council as we continue to re-develop and improve this integral part of the city.
- Proceeded work to further the Bryant Parkway project. Although the Federal shutdown has slowed the project somewhat, we have continued meeting with the project engineers to nail down specifics on routes and will continue communicating details with the public as this begins to move forward.
- In the process of creating an all-encompassing plan with the Bryant Parks Department to implement necessary repairs and updates to our parks.
- Hosted the first monthly Coffee with the Mayor meetings. This was very well attended and I was able to answer questions and concerns raised by many residents. These will be held on the first Saturday of every month.
- Met with numerous business owner, citizens and community partners to hear concerns and suggested solutions for ongoing issues and concerns throughout the city.
- Started monthly meetings with Benton Mayor, Tom Farmer and County Judge Jeff Arey. These meetings have allowed us to foresee ways we can work better as a region in regard to infrastructure, economic development and future growth.
- Implemented monthly meeting with the Greater Bryant Chamber of Commerce.
- Redesigned the monthly newsletter that is included in the water bill encompassing ideas from the City Council and the community. Newsletters are now available online as well as in the water bill.