Due to the possibility of inclement weather on 12-10-22 and for the planning of outside vendors, the Bryant Chamber is cancelling the Christmas Parade Santa’s Block Party.

See the full list of Holiday Events at www.mysaline.com/holiday-events.
The Greater Bryant Chamber of Commerce will once again host their Christmas Parade and Block Party on Saturday, December 10th.
The parade begins at 10:30 a.m. Line up will begin on Progress Way, cross over Main Street to Horizon Dr., turn left onto Bryant Ave. and end at Walmart parking lot.
Santa’s Block Party is afterward on Main Street from 11:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. There will be hot chocolate, food trucks, inflatables, kids’ crafts, vendors and of course Santa. This event is sponsored by Gateway Bank and Coldwell Banker RPM Group.
Follow the Chamber’s Facebook page at this link for updates. It’s $10 for parade entries and $30 for vendors. For info, call or email Anna at (501) 847-4702 or anna@bryantchamber.com.
The Bryant Christmas parade and Santa’s Block Party will be held on December 10, 2022.
Christmas Parade Details:
- Complete a parade registration form, include $10.00 and get it to the Greater Bryant Chamber of Commerce.
Deadline for registration is December 7, 2022. - Participants will line up on Progress Way at 9:30am, all entrants must be in place by 10am. The parade will start promptly at 10:30am. Enter the line-up area from Market Place Ave. There will not be placement numbers, you will line-up in the order you arrive. If you have multiple vehicles, please do not come into the line-up area until your group is all together.
- 2022 Christmas Parade Entry form
Santa’s Block Party Details:
- Local craftsmen and businesses are invited for this year’s Santa’s Block Party on Main Street, December 10, 2022, from 11am – 4pm. Vendors are encouraged to decorate booths for the holiday season. Santa will be on site for visits and pictures.
- Complete a vendor registration form, include $30.00 and get it to the Greater Bryant Chamber of Commerce. The deadline is December 7th for registration. Vendors will need to bring their own table, tent, chairs and equipment needed. No electricity is available, booth spaces are 10×10 spaces. Set up will begin at 9:00am.
- Santa’s Block Party Vendor Registration Form
See the full list of Holiday Events, including parades, Santa sightings and lighting displays, at www.mysaline.com/holiday-events.