Easter Basket o’ Goodies Treat Drive at the Shelter
The Bryant Animal Shelter is collecting baskets full of treats for their puppies. Bring donations until April 17th.
The folks at the shelter say the “puppies and doggies really like smell-good treats like Beggin’ Strips or anything that smells equally yummy!”
They use them to help teach the dogs manners and tricks to prepare them adoptive families. Come by the shelter anytime during regular hours, and fill up their Easter Baskets!
Dates: March 27, 2017 - April 17, 2017
Time: Shelter is open Mon – Fri, Noon – 4pm
Location: Bryant Animal Shelter, 25700 Interstate 30 N, Bryant, AR 72022
Contact: 501-943-0943
Email: animalcontrol@cityofbryant.com