The City of Benton released a statement to let citizens know what officials are doing to be prepared for the winter weather coming our way.
First off, they have a winter weather policy that you can read at this link. It lists the City’s priorities, for example, which streets get salted/sanded first.
The Benton Street Department has at least five snowplows and four spreader trucks that have been ready to go since the beginning of the week. Employees have even adjusted their schedules and time away from family to ensure the roads will be serviced in the upcoming weather.
The priority roads that will be pretreated and plowed first will be all roads in and near Saline Memorial Hospital, all fire stations throughout the city, and police stations. Crews will then start working on other main thoroughfares and side roads.
The statement from the City cautions all motorists to be aware, and be prepared in case their vehicle slides or gets stuck in these conditions.
The National Safety Council has prepared a list of precautions to follow when out in the winter weather:
• Slow down – Even if the roads just look wet, they could still be slick. More than 5,000 fatalities occur on the roadways each year due to weather conditions.
• Clean up – Make sure your vehicle is completely free of snow and ice before leaving for the day. Flying snow and ice causes accidents.
• Stay in touch – Let someone know you are going and what route you will take.
• Bring supplies – Do not leave the house without a fully charged cell phone, car charger, and emergency supplies, including extra clothes.
• Know your vehicle – If you are driving and begin to skid, remain calm, ease your foot off the gas, and turn the wheels in the direction you want the car to go. If you have ABS apply steady braking pressure to the brake pedal. Never pump the brakes on an ABS-equipped vehicle.
The Benton Street Department, Police Department, Fire Department, and Utility Department will be out in force over the next few days to ensure all the roads and services are functioning and drivable.
“The Police Department is prepared as usual for the upcoming weather event,” stated Police Chief Scotty Hodges. “We have numerous all-wheel vehicles that will allow officers to move throughout the city. Our Patrol Division will be fully staffed for the event, and we will assist when and wherever needed.”
Fire Chief Russ Evans said, “The Benton Fire Department is fully prepared to respond during any degree of inclement weather. Apparatus and personnel are fully equipped and ready to respond to the citizens of Benton in an emergency.”
“Benton Utilities has already weatherized the Water Plant and Wastewater Plant ahead of this cold weather,” said Todd Pedersen, General Manager of Benton Utilities. “All departments are preparing vehicles to potentially handle the large amounts of frozen precipitation. So even if our offices are closed our operational personnel are ready to address customer needs as they come up.”