410 River Street in Benton, Arkansas was most recently UALR Benton. Before that it was Westside Junior High.
The City of Benton continues efforts to transform an old building into the new City Hall. The next step in renovating 410 River Street is to choose a bid from a recent Request For Quotations (RFQ). Read more about the building and history of the process at the end.
Mayor Tom Farmer and various City Council Members will conduct interviews of the contractors that have submitted RFQs. This will be on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, and Thursday, March 7. 2024, from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The location will be in Council Chambers at 114 S. East St., Benton, Arkansas. There will be a make-up day if needed of Friday, March 8, 2024.
- Follow the events of the UALR Benton building turning into Benton City Hall… www.mysaline.com/ualr-benton-turning-to-benton-city-hall/
In 2021, Benton City Council voted to purchase a roughly 6-acre piece of property at 410 River Street for $425,000. The purchase included properties as follows:
• The building that formerly housed a location for UA Little Rock classes (also formerly Westside Junior High),
• C.W. Lewis Stadium (but not the parking lot on S. Market St., which belongs to First Baptist Church),
• And a few smaller buildings, including one that housed wardrobe for the Royal Theatre and one that housed formal wear for Project Prom. Both are non-profits serving the community.
- Follow the events of the UALR Benton building turning into Benton City Hall… www.mysaline.com/ualr-benton-turning-to-benton-city-hall/
Browse the full list of events at www.mysaline.com/events.