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The City of Benton Planning Commission will meet Tuesday, April 2, at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at 114 S. East St.
This meeting’s agenda is as follows:
1) Establish a Quorum/Call to Order
2) Approve Minutes from March 5th , 2024 Planning & Zoning Meeting
3) Board of Adjustments
a. 1651 Highway 5 [Variance for O’Reilly Auto Parts Sign Height – Tabled from 03.05.2024]
b. 1202 Windsor Ct [Variance for Setbacks]
c. Convenience Store @ Exit 114 [Variance]
4) Planning Commission
a. Convenience Store @ Exit 114 [Plat]
b. Convenience Store @ Exit 114 [Site Plan]
c. 1211 W. South Street [Rezone]
d. Northshore Storage [Site Plan]
5) Other Business
Meeting Adjourned
Meeting Minutes from March 2024.
Chairman Stilwell called the meeting to order. Roll call resulted in 2 member[s] being absent.
Members Present
- Brett Chumley
- Lois Burks
- John Clements
- Pamela Gibson
- James Stilwell
- Andy Warford
- Mark Chilton
- John Parton, Comm. Development Director
- Chelsea Matthews, City Planner
Members Absent
- Carl West
- Darrell Wood
Approval of the Minutes of the February 6th, 2024, Planning Commission Meeting
Chairman Stilwell asked if there were any additions, deletions, or corrections to the minutes. Commissioner Gibson makes a motion to approve the minutes as is. Commissioner Burks second. Motion carried.
Board of Adjustments
1651 Highway 5 [Variance for O’Reilly Auto Parts Sign Height]
Chairman Stilwell asked Ms. Matthews to introduce the Variance request for 1651 Highway 5. Ms. Matthews reads the memorandum that states that O’Reilly Auto Parts is requesting a variance for a sign at 1651 Highway 5. The purpose of this variance is to allow the sign to be 15’ in height instead of 8’ [sign ordinance maximum]. Chairman Stilwell calls for any questions or comments regarding this request. Commissioner Chilton makes a motion to table this request until a representative is present to answer any questions. Commissioner Burks second. Item tabled 6-0.
Planning Commission
6623 Alcoa Road [Site Plan for C-Store]
Chairman Stilwell asked Ms. Matthews to introduce the Site Plan at 6623 Alcoa Road. Ms. Matthews reads the memorandum that states that Holloway Engineering and Civil Design, on behalf of C-Store, [gas station] is requesting approval of a Site Plan located at 6623 Alcoa Road. Chairman Stilwell calls for any comments or questions regarding this request. Mark Rudder with Holloway Engineering speaks in favor of this item. Commissioner Gibson makes a motion to approve this request with the promise to have more landscaping added. Commissioner Chilton second. Motion carried 6-0.
Kenwood Creek [Site Plan for Duplex Development]
Chairman Stilwell asked Ms. Matthews to introduce the Site Plan for Kenwood Creek. Ms. Matthews reads the memorandum that states that Eric Richardson, on behalf of Richardson Engineering is requesting approval of Duplex Development called “Kenwood Creek” located at 214 Kenwood Rd This property is currently zoned C3 [Service Commercial], and multi-family developments are a permitted use. Chairman Stilwell calls for any comments or questions regarding this request. Eric Richardson speaks in favor of this request. Commissioner Burks makes a motion to approve this item. Commissioner Warford second. Motion carried 6-0.
1096 Troy Drive [Site Plan for Arbors @ McNeil Creek]
Chairman Stilwell asked Ms. Matthews to introduce the Site Plan for Arbors @ McNeil Creek. Ms. Matthews reads the memorandum that states that Eric Richardson, on behalf of Richardson Engineering, is requesting approval of a multi-family development called “Arbors @ McNeil Creek” located at 1096 Troy Drive. This property was annexed into Benton City Limits in 2022 [Ordinance 36 of 2022] and was annexed as R8 [multi-family]. Chairman Stilwell calls for any comments or questions regarding this request. Eric Richardson speaks in favor of this request. Commissioner Warford makes a motion to approve this site plan. Commissioner Chilton second. Motion carried 6-0.
Cottage Walk [Annexation]
Chairman Stilwell asked Ms. Matthews to introduce the Annexation for Cottage Walk. Ms. Matthews reads the memorandum that states that Jonathan Hope, on behalf of Hope Consulting Inc. and Rausch Coleman Homes, is requesting approval of the annexation for Cottage Walk. This would be a 410-lot subdivision [it has not been built yet]. Chairman Stilwell calls for any comments or questions regarding this request. Jonathan Hope speaks in favor of this request. Commissioner Gibson makes a motion to approve this item. Commissioner Warford second. Motion carried 6-0.
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