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The City of Benton Planning Commission will meet Tuesday, December 6, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at 114 S. East St.
Scroll down to read the minutes of the previous meeting.
This meeting’s agenda is as follows:
Tuesday, December 6th, 2022
6:00 PM
1) Establish a Quorum/Call to Order
2) Reading of Civil Statement
3) Approve Minutes from November 1st, 2022 Planning & Zoning Meeting
4) Board of Adjustments
a. 2315 W. South Street [Variance]
b. 5539 Atlantic Cove [Variance]
c. 807 Coral Cove [Variance]
5) Planning Commission
a. 13000 I-30 [Benton Middle School – Site Plan]
b. 20461 I-30 [Multi-Tenant Building – Site Plan]
c. 1502/1504 W. South Street [Mini Storage – Site Plan]
d. 3554 Salem Rd [Hurricane Lake Storage Centers – Site Plan]
e. 310 N. Fourth St [Rezone]
f. 915 Newcomb Dr [Rezone]
g. 404 W. Sevier St [Rezone]
h. 404 W. Sevier St [Conditional Use]
i. 4000 Congo Rd [Conditional Use]
j. Other Business
Meeting Adjourned
Read the minutes from the previous meeting, held Tuesday, January 4th, 2022 below.
Board of Adjustments/Planning & Zoning Meeting
Tuesday, October 4th, 2022
6:00 P.M.
Chairman Black called the meeting to order. Roll call resulted in 4 members being absent.
Carl West – Absent
Brian Black, Chairman
Lois Burks
Darrell Wood
Johnise Lawani – Absent
Pamela Gibson
James Stillwell – Absent
Andy Warford
Mark Chilton
John Parton, Comm. Development Director – Absent
Chelsea Matthews, City Planner
Approval of the Minutes of the September 6th, 2022, Planning Commission Meeting
Chairman Black asked if there were any additions, deletions, or corrections to the minutes.
Commissioner Gibson makes a motion to approve the minutes, as written. Commissioner Chilton second.
Motion carried.
Approval of the Minutes of the September 6th, 2022, Public Hearing Meeting
Chairman Black asked if there were any additions, deletions, or corrections to the minutes.
Commissioner Gibson makes a motion to approve the minutes, as written. Commissioner Burks second. Motion
Board of Adjustments
Planning Commission
709 Yuma Street [Rezone]
Chairman Black asked Mrs. Matthews to introduce the rezone request for 709 Yuma Street. Mrs. Matthews reads the memorandum that states that Caleb Davis [property owner] is requesting to rezone this property from R2 to C3. She states that if the rezone request is approved, the owners plan to clear this lot and sell it as a Commercial Property. Chairman Black calls for any comments or questions regarding this rezone.
Residents that live in the area and grew up on Yuma Street speak against this item. Discussion is made around the room regarding what is allowed within a C3 zone. Commissioner Chilton states that he would feel more comfortable if the property is rezoned to a C2 zone instead of C3. Jonathan Hope with Hope Consulting speaks in favor of this item and states that Mr. Davis would be okay with rezoning this property to a C2 zone instead.
Commissioner Wood makes a motion to approve this rezone request. Commissioner Chilton second. Motion carried 4-1 with Commissioner Burks voting “no”. Since this is a rezone request, it will go before City Council for final approval on 10.24.2022 @ 6:00pm.
Meeting Adjourned.
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