The Benton Planning Commission will meet Tuesday to consider a David’s Burgers location, Take 5 Oil Change, renaming Dixie Street, and other items.
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This meeting will be at 6pm on Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at the Council Chambers in the NEW CITY HALL at 410 River Street (formerly
Establish a Quorum/Call to Order
Approve Minutes from February 44, 2025 Planning & Zoning Meeting
Board of Adjustments
a. #15 & #16 @ Zion Heights – Variance for Front Building Setback
b. 3305 Military Rd – Variance for Hard Surface Parking
c. First Baptist Church – Variance for Hard Surface Parking
d. 1016 Military Rd – Variance for Dumpster Area
Planning Commission
a. Renaming of Dixie Street – tabled from 02.04.2025
b. David’s Burgers – Site Plan
c. 3305 Military Rd – Site Plan for Car Lot
d. 1016 Military Rd – Site Plan for Take 5 Oil Change
e. Winchester Drive – Rezone from R2 to R3
f. Winchester Drive – Preliminary Plat
g. 704 Bird Street – Rezone from R7 to R8
Other Business
Meeting Adjourned
MINUTES from previous meeting February
City of Benton, Arkansas
Planning & Zoning Special Meeting
Tuesday February 4th, 2025, 6PM
Chairman Stilwell called the meeting to order. Roll call resulted in 1 member[s] being absent.
- Carl West
- Brett Chumley
- Darrell Wood
- John Clements
- Pamela Gibson
- James Stilwell
- Andy Warford
- Mark Chilton
- John Parton, Comm. Development Director
- Chelsea Matthews, City Planner
- Lois Burks
Approval of the minutes of the January 7th, 2025, Planning Commission Meeting
Chairman Stilwell asked if there were any additions, deletions, or corrections to the minutes. Commissioner Gibson makes a motion to approve the minutes, as is. Commissioner West second. Motion carried.
Public Hearing
Renaming of Dixie Street
Chairman Stilwell asked Ms. Matthews to introduce the renaming of Dixie Street. Ms. Matthews reads the memorandum that states that there has been a petition filed by Carl Fuller [property owner on Dixie Street] to rename “Dixie” Street to “Fuller” Street. The petition filed was sent out to the 58 property owners along Dixie Street and 36 property owners signed “in favor” of the name change. Multiple citizens from the community speak in favor of and against the name change. Since this is a public hearing, no vote is taken on the name change. Another public hearing and a vote will take place at the February Planning Commission meeting.
Board of Adjustments
414 Short Street [Variance for Lot Size Minimum]
Chairman Stilwell asked Ms. Matthews to introduce the Variance request. Ms. Matthews reads the memorandum that states that Brooke Livers with LiveCo Construction [property owner] is requesting approval of a variance at his property located at 404 Short Street. The purpose of this variance is to be able to reduce the lot size minimum from 6,000 square feet to 4,835 square feet. Chairman Stilwell calls for any questions or comments regarding this request. Brooks Livers speaks in favor of this request. Commissioner West makes a motion to approve this request. Commissioner Chilton second. Motion carried 6-1 with Commissioner Gibson voting “no”.
Planning Commission
Heritage Homes [Preliminary Plat]
Chairman Stilwell asked Ms. Matthews to introduce the preliminary plat. Ms. Matthews reads the memorandum that states that Hope Consulting and Heritage Homes is requesting approval of a preliminary plat on Dale Ave. The property was recently rezoned from LI to R3 [Ordinance 51 of 2024]. Commissioner Stilwell calls for any questions or comments regarding this request. Jonathan, with Hope Consulting LLC, speaks in favor of this item. Commissioner West makes a motion to approve this request. Commissioner Warford second. Motion carried 7-0.
Northshore Village [Preliminary Plat; ETJ]
Chairman Stilwell asked Ms. Matthews to introduce the preliminary plat. Ms. Matthews reads the memorandum that states that Hope Consulting, Inc and GC Homes is requesting approval of a preliminary plat for Northshore Village. This property is currently outside of Benton City Limits but is located within the ETJ so the City of Benton has planning jurisdiction of the parcel. Commissioner Stilwell calls for any questions or comments regarding this request. Jonathan, with Hope Consulting LLC, speaks in favor of this item and states that if the development is approved, they plan to annex into the City of Benton. Mr. Hope clarifies that this is a townhome development. Multiple home owners from the surrounding areas speak against this development, stating they are concerned about noise, crime, and more traffic in the area. Mr. Hope along with GC Homes offers clarification for these concerns. Commissioner Clements makes a motion to approve this request. Commissioner Gibson second. Motion carried 5-2 with Commissioners Chumley and Warford voting “no”.
Renaming of Dixie Street
Chairman Stilwell asked Ms. Matthews to introduce the renaming of Dixie Street. Ms. Matthews reads the memorandum that states that there has been a petition filed by Carl Fuller [property owner on Dixie Street] to rename “Dixie” Street to “Fuller” Street. The petition filed was sent out to the 58 property owners along Dixie Street and 36 property owners signed “in favor” of the name change. Multiple citizens from the community speak in favor of and against the name change. Discussion is made around the room regarding having possible meetings with the Community members to try and come up with a name that everyone would be happy with. Commissioner West makes a motion to table this item until March so that the community has time to come together and decide on a name change. Commissioner Clements second. Item tabled.
1205/1207 Highway 35 [Rezone from AG to R5]
Chairman Stilwell asked Ms. Matthews to introduce the rezone request. Ms. Matthews reads the memorandum that states that Zeke and Glynda Brinsfield [property owners] are requesting to rezone their property at 1205/1207 Highway 35. The property is currently zoned AG [Agricultural] and they are requesting to rezone the property to R5 [multi-family district]. The purpose of this rezone is so that the property owners can build a duplex on their property and possibly build more duplexes in the future. Commissioner Stilwell calls for any questions or comments regarding this request. Zeke, property owner, speaks in favor of this item. Commissioner Wood makes a motion to approve this request. Commissioner Warford second. Motion carried 7-0. Since this is a rezone request, it will go before City Council for final approval.
219 Kenwood Rd [Rezone from R2 to C2]
Chairman Stilwell asked Ms. Matthews to introduce the rezone request. Ms. Matthews reads the memorandum that states that Simple Tax [Williams Tax; property owner] is requesting approval of a rezone for their property at 219 Kenwood Rd. This property is currently zoned R2 [single family district detached housing] and they are requesting to be rezoned to C2 [general commercial]. The purpose of this rezone is to be able to continue their business at this location and have it be in compliance with the current zoning code. Chairman Stilwell calls for any questions or comments regarding this request. Aimee with Williams Tax speaks in favor of this request and states that this will continue to operate as Williams Tax services. Commissioner Gibson recommends rezoning to C1 [neighborhood commercial] to make it more appropriate since there are some residential properties in the area. Commissioner Wood makes a motion to approve this rezone request for C1 instead of C2. Commissioner West second. Motion carried 7-0. Since this is a rezone request, it will go before City Council for final approval.
20453 I-30 [Site Plan for Riggs Outdoors – Wash Bay & Scissor Lift Shed]
Chairman Stilwell asked Ms. Matthews to introduce the rezone request. Ms. Matthews reads the memorandum that states that Riggs Outdoor LLC is requesting approval of a site plan for their property located at 20453 I-30 to put in a new wash bay area and scissor lift shed. This property is currently zoned C3 [service commercial] so this type of use is permitted in this zone. Chairman Stilwell asks for any questions or comments regarding this item. Commissioner Gibson makes a motion to approve the site plan. Commissioner West second. Motion carried 7-0.
S. Main Street [Conditional Use for Multiple Multi Family Properties]
Chairman Stilwell asked Ms. Matthews to introduce the conditional use request. Ms. Matthews reads the memorandum that states that LNP Properties [property owner] is requesting approval of 12 parcels located along S. Main Street. Some of these properties are currently being used as multi family properties due to a rezone to multi family back in 2016 [Ordinance 21 of 2016] but was zoned back to town center zone when the zoning map was changed in 2017. Since the current zone is TC1 [town center zone], multi family use is allowed by conditional use approval only. Chairman Stilwell asks for any questions or comments regarding this request. Commissioner West makes a motion to approve this request. Commissioner Clements second. Motion carried 7-0.
#001-04824-000 [Annexation on Highway 5]
Chairman Stilwell asked Ms. Matthews to introduce the annexation request for parcel #001-04824-000. Ms. Matthews reads the memorandum that states that this is for the vacant parcel beside Benton Transmission on Highway 5 [the only parcel on the east of Highway 5 that is NOT currently in City limits]. This property will be zoned as C3 [service commercial] to fit the surrounding areas. Chairman Stilwell calls for any questions or comments regarding this request. Commissioner West makes a motion to approve this request. Commissioner Warford second. Motion carried 7-0. Since this is an annexation request, it will go before City Council for final approval.
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