There’s a group organizing to commemorate Bauxite’s past by painting a large mural in the town.
Councilwoman Deann Watson invites the interested public to meet with a group of local citizens on Sunday, February 23rd at 4 p.m. at Town Hall to discuss plans.
I am sure you know the history of Bauxite, sadly there is nothing left of the “town that was” with the exception of the museum that is amazing! We are planning a mural for the highway-facing side of the Fire Department that sits in front of the city hall,” stated Watson. “We would like it to represent the mining along with the town and how it looked in the mining days. We want this to be open to all of the talented artist of Bauxite or that graduated from Bauxite. We are having the meeting so they can collaborate on the design as well as let us know the needs paint, etc.”
She says the goal is to have something similar to the downtown Benton Mural. They need several to make this happen and Watson says any help will be appreciated.