Our local chambers of commerce present the Saline County Legislative Breakfast on a regular basis during the legislative session. It’s an in-person meeting where the public gets an update directly from our legislators.
The next event, sponsored by First Electric Cooperative, is Friday, April 9th at Benton Event Center, 17322 I-30N in Benton.
Breakfast begins at 6:40 a.m. and the program is from 7-8 a.m. There will be a question and answer session at the end, so come with a question.
Contact your local chamber of commerce to register for this free event. Sausage or bacon biscuits will be served, with juice and coffee, served by Riverside Grocery.
In the interest of safety, organizers are asking attendees to RSVP by calling the Benton Chamber office at 501-860-7002.
Remember to adhere to all Arkansas Department of Health guidelines, including wearing a face covering and maintaining social distance.
Keep up with the current session by following ?Tweets from the House and Senate here: www.mysaline.com/arkleg-news/