If you are behind on house payments or utilities due to COVID-19, and you didn’t know about the Arkansas Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF), now is the time to look into it.
Arkansas resident Jimmy M. was infected with COVID-19 the first week of January 2020, before most people knew about the disease.
Like millions of people across the country, COVID-19 affected many areas of Jimmy’s life, including his finances. But thanks to the Arkansas Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF), he received the help he needed to pay his mortgage.
“Since I first came down with Covid, it has been a battle that many times, I just knew I would lose,” he said in an email. “Your help has changed my world, and my wife’s and my little grandson’s life. I will never be able to show my gratitude for this blessing.”
Since the Arkansas HAF Program was approved by the U.S. Treasury in January 2022, more than 955 Arkansas residents have received help paying their mortgages that were past due because of COVID-19. So far, administrators of the program have disbursed $9,652,637 to people in need.
“Residents throughout the state have received assistance through the Arkansas HAF Program,” said Mark Conine, president of the Arkansas Development Finance Authority. “The pandemic took a huge financial, mental and emotional toll on people everywhere, but this program has helped ease some of the financial strain.”
Another grant recipient said money from Arkansas HAF prevented foreclosure on her home. “I am beyond thankful for this assistance,” the recipient said in an email. “COVID-19 has definitely impacted my life, from losing my grandmother and uncle, to becoming unemployed with no source of income to provide for my 3-year-old son and myself.
“Just to know that I am not in the process of foreclosure is a HUGE burden lifted, and I cannot express how much I greatly appreciate the state of Arkansas and you for all the help in getting my mortgage caught up during this difficult time.”
Residents who qualify can still apply for funds. To be considered eligible for assistance, homeowners must have a total annual household income at or below 150 percent of the Area Median Income or 100 percent of the United States Median Income, whichever is greater. The property must be located within the state of Arkansas and be occupied by the homeowner as their primary residence. Grants from Arkansas HAF are meant to prevent delinquent mortgages, defaults, foreclosures and loss of utilities. Program participants must show they experienced financial hardship after January 21, 2020 (Includes a hardship that began before January 21, 2020, but continued after that date). They must also be past due on two or more consecutive mortgage or utility payments.
Hardships include job loss, income reduction or increased costs due to healthcare or the need to care for a family member.
For more information and to apply, go to ArkansasHAF.com.