Homeschooling an 8-year-old with an 18-month old is like trying to teach a crowd of boys how to knit while wrestling an octopus.
I can’t knit. And I’ve never held an octopus. Perhaps it’s why I can feel so ill equipped at rightly doing this new thing of homeschool and raising a toddler. Motherhood is kind of like that. No matter how you’re tackling it.
Being a believer can kind of feel like that, too.
I remind myself when the baby is using the flash cards like teething rings that God knew this time was coming. And that either Romans 8:28 is true for us or not —when He says in those verses that ALL things work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
I am reminded either His grace is enough. Or it’s not.
Either the same spirit that rose Jesus from the dead lives in me. Or not.
Either I’m crucifying my flesh and taking up my cross every single day. Or not.
Either He renews my strength. Or not.
Either He is who He says He is and will do what He says He will do. Or not.
Not one of those things were suggestions or empty-maybe-going-to-happen future predictions.
They are truth. Promises. Sure. Steadfast.
And so, I can have confidence that even in a pandemic. He is working things together. Even when my mom is going through chemo for breast cancer. He is working things together. Even when I have no idea how to teach long division. He is working things together.
Even if your heart is broken and the kids are acting crazy, even if the diagnosis is positive and the bank account negative — He is true, faithful and kind.
And because He is so gracious, I know that when I’m weary He will send a word somewhere and somehow to show me He hears, sees and He is FOR me. Today, consider reading this a reminder that He does see you. And loves you.
For me, the reminder was listening to my son read a poem he memorized about God as my daughter yelled and thew the foam math dice.
“O, what little things it takes to show us God,” he finished the poem.
“What do you think that means?”
“That God made everything. And it’s beautiful,” he said. Without pause.
Later that afternoon he helped my husband assemble a new desk chair for my “teacher” desk.
It can feel like he’s missing so much being at home. But, I see glimpses of what he’s learning here that can’t be taught in a classroom.
What it looks like to feed the baby, to care for his Mimi post chemo, to run a business, to run a household, to keep on no matter what anyone else may be doing around you.
When we follow Jesus, He will make possible every step, prepare the way, and work it together in ways we never saw coming.
Amanda Elliott is a grateful believer in Jesus Christ, wife, mom, business owner and Benton resident. She believes we are each “built to battle” by a perfect creator who made us with a capacity for victory, a handbook for success (the Bible) and a spirit who empowers us to live in peace and joy. Follow Amanda Elliott’s “Built to Battle” column at