Book: Once Upon a Time Travel
Author: Sariah Wilson
My Rating: 4 hearts 

This time traveling romantic comedy is fraught with mistaken identity and mutual pining. Generally, I’m not a fan of time travel as a plot device because it’s really hard to make sense of it. However, this book doesn’t take itself too seriously, and it the time travel really just lends itself to some laugh out loud interactions between characters.
Emma works at a museum and enters the forbidden Rose Room, only to wake up in 1816. She’s immediately mistaken by the Earl of Hartley as his brother’s fiancé (who, conveniently, no one has ever seen before). Emma, for her part, is terrible at pretending to be a lady and there are lots of hilarious cultural misunderstandings. The Earl of Hartley, of course, starts to fall for this strange woman with her painted toenails, and her dreams of hot water. But can they overcome time and space and the whole being engaged to his brother thing?
I enjoyed this book and I read it over a weekend. Think Kate and Leopold, but in reverse. The only time I was confused was toward the end, the time travel got a little convoluted, which is to be expected. It’s clean (I’d give it a PG rating), it’s funny, it’s not too angsty. I highly encourage you to pick it up.
Krystle Goodman is a crazy cat lady, who loves to drink exorbitant amounts of coffee, and read a shocking amount of books. She lives in Benton with her husband Josh, her son Roman, and their two cats Roxanne and Abby. When she isn’t reading, you’ll find her cooking, painting, or watching true crime shows. Watch for Krystle’s book reviews every other Friday. Send fanmail to: [email protected]
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