Let’s talk trash. And recycling, and yard waste. Recycle Saline is asking whether you’d like your services to be different.
So who is Recycle Saline and why should we tell them what we want?
For starters, Recycle Saline is the short name for our Saline County Solid Waste Management District. They operate the collection center where residents can drop off recyclables and they have the Landfill Coupon Program. They license haulers who offer collection services for County residents and businesses – there are currently 23 of those. Recycle Saline also provides education and outreach working with Saline County schools providing recycling programs.
All of that info tells you why they would be a good resource to tell your opinion and needs for trash, recycling, yard waste, and even disposal of big things like old mattresses and furniture. There is a possibility of having services provided by your city or county, but first, they want as many points of view as possible. They are asking Saline County residents to answer multiple choice questions on their form, and then there’s a blank at the end where you can elaborate on anything.
Here’s the link to do the survey, below. It asks for your email at the end, but that’s just if you want to sign up with the Survey Monkey website, so you don’t have to do that. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RecycleSaline
See the list of Halloween & Harvest events, and submit your own at www.mysaline.com/october